We partner with the best in class for our supervision arrangements and ongoing action inquiry.
This investment underpins our commitment to operate to the highest level of professional standards and to evolve and adapt to the constantly changing landscape.
We also invite renowned academics and specialists to work with us as part of our ongoing professional development.
Recent experts we have engaged include:

Hay Hill Highlights is a series of practical papers focussing on major themes we are seeing in our coaching.

Leading From a Deeper Place
A world in which we are measured and viewed entirely through the prism of external validation can lack depth, meaning and purpose. For executives it can add to the pressure in difficult times. A way to deal with this is to step inside and lead from a Deeper Place which can make us stronger, more effective and resilient. This article provides a practical guide about how to do this. Read more >
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Thriving in the executive world
Working in business today can be very intense. As tough becomes the new norm, executives have responded with the grit and resilience one would expect, focusing on the personal strategies that will help them overcome, endure and survive. But what if leaders, were to add another dimension to being resilient - what if they were to aim to thrive? What would change for them and their organisations? Read more >
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Leading from home - 7 things to improve your working day
At a time when positive and constructive leadership is essential, many are finding working from home wearing. Days are long and intense, taking emotional energy without some of the balancing mechanisms that naturally happen when out at work. Read more >
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How technology is changing leadership
Technology is changing businesses and impacting business models. We were interested in how it was impacting leadership. We spoke to twenty executives to understand how is technology is changing the nature of leadership and the way leaders operate. This booklet outlines our findings. Read more >
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From managing to leading
From managing to leading provides a practical guide for anyone seeking to define or refine their leadership style. It outlines a menu of actions, behaviours and disciplines that are relevant for seasoned leaders as well as those moving into their first leadership roles. Read more >
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Delegation – the art and the science
Delegation – the art and the science provides a practical guide for anyone seeking to refresh or refine their delegation skills. Most, possibly all, of the suggestions will be familiar to experienced leaders. None are particularly difficult in themselves - the challenge is to use judgement in identifying when each is required and discipline in undertaking them. Read more >
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Women in business: highlights from coaching
Women in business: highlights from coaching outlines some specific patterns we have observed in our coaching of senior executive women. We hope it will be helpful to both men and women. For women it may help in realising they are not alone in the issues they face and for men it may provide additional insights about the issues their female colleagues face. Read more >
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